
Book #039 - a PDX Gluebook

Book #39 is a just-for-fun gluebook. It all started with some tourist literature from Portland Oregon that I couldn't quite get rid of. I ripped up the map to make wide narrow pages then glued other bits and pieces to them. Lastly, I scribbled - my own comments and memories but, even more so, Gordon's comments and memories about his home town. It was an nice way to pass an evening and I heard some good stories and learned a few things. Gluebooks are good therapy, too - spontaneous cutting and pasting - nothing too serious.

The pictures are the front cover and 1 (plus a little more) of the 12 pages in the book.

1 comment:

Took said...

You know, I have heard the term "glue book" but had no idea what it was. This is pretty neat!
