
Book #061 - Washington

There are some days (like today) when I am busy with other things and have no burning ideas for a book. To get me through those days I am starting a set of little books in the shapes of the states. So that will take care of 50 days worth of books, at the end of which I will have a big map of books. They're to be very simple - pages and cover folded and stapled. Washington is hinged at the top, because that's a nice, almost straight line.

I'm having trouble getting a picture of yesterday's book. It really can't be scanned, and the camera is giving me kittens. But it will get done sooner or later.


Took said...

How charming...I have never heard that phrase before -- "giving me kittens" -- I wish my camera would give me kittens...LOL

(Well, probably not really...huh?)

bysuppin -- as in go out shopping and bysuppin

Liisa Mannery said...

I think it's from The World of Henry Orient, at least that's where I got it.

Hee hee, "bysuppin." I feel a book coming on.

Elin said...

LOVE this one - brilliant!

Gordon Kennedy said...

Hawaii should be interesting...