
Book #084 - Dear sir or madam,

Here we have an accordion book doing one of the things an accordion book does so well - present two versions of the same story. It's handwritten on ever so tasteful gray stationery, with very dignified darker gray covers. (If I'd thought of it I would have typed it on the old Underwood.) I think it should go in an equally tasteful gray envelope, but I'll have to make it to fit the book.

The text, side one:
"I would like to apply for a job with your company. For two years I have been employed as a sales clerk for the Jones store. I sold nothing that I did not take pride in. I'm sure it will be the same if I work for you."
and side two:
"I would like to apply for a job with your company for two years. I have been employed. As a sales clerk for the Jones store I sold nothing. That, I did not take pride in. I'm sure it will be the same if I work for you."
And there are more where that came from...

1 comment:

Took said...

Very entertaining