
Book #015

Right off the bat I have to say, "Isn't scanning metallics fun?!" That big black oval is aluminum foil. It's the inside cover of the book (shown here open) and it was supposed to look like a mirror. In real life it does a pretty good job. More curious to me than the color are the stripes...where did they come from? No, it is not corrugated cardboard underneath, Go figure.

The faces are just like yesterday's hands: two profiles to a piece of paper, folded. There are three such papers, making 12 faces in all. If you look closely at the unfinished faces you can see where the pages are sewn to the cover. The faces were just begging to have paint smeared on them and I obliged. I haven't smeared paint in a while, and it sure felt good. There's a bit more to be done, too. Another day.

As the faces developed the combinations and juxtapositions began to hint at little stories - the sneaky red guy glancing back at his wan and befuddled looking neighbor, for instance. And wouldn't it be interesting to plan the profiles so that adjacent ones would be identical (back to back) as if they were the same person looking forward and backward, or inward and outward - two aspects of the same person. You could use images of real people, or silhouettes. All sorts of possibilities...

1 comment:

Took said...

First, pre-Happy Birthday to YOU!

Yes, isn't it odd the way the scanner "sees" things? It would probably be helpful to take a class or have the Geek Squad come over and teach me all about my scanner settings...not what or why a setting does something, just what settings to choose to get the effects I want. LOL

This face book is really neat, Liisa. I bet smearing the paint was satisfying! I especially like to the 2 faces in the bottom left scan. Very cool!